Staff Lottery Funded Projects

The Staff Lottery supports staff across Cardiff and Vale by creating new winners every month. It also enables staff to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, which has awarded grants of over £1.5 million to support numerous projects across the UHB which benefit, patients, staff and visitors.
Here are some of the incredible Staff Lottery Bid Panel applications that were granted Staff Lottery Funding to make things better across Cardiff and Vale UHB.
Frailty and Dementia Simulation Equipment

Project to provide training on the physical effects of frailty and dementia on the body, through the Staff Lottery fund. Training has been developed alongside the procurement of specialist simulation equipment, and was recently delivered to Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers (HCSWs) at ward East 8, enabling them to gain insights into patients’ experiences and the challenges they face due to these conditions.
Staff Vegetable Growing Project

The Staff Vegetable Growing Project is a project focused on wellbeing and organic food growing. Consisting of half-day taster sessions, it invites colleagues to learn new skills and grow their confidence in growing their own food, even on a desk or windowsill at home. The sessions aim to aid wellbeing and connection, and support the physical and mental health of employees.
South Asian Celebratory Afternoon 2023

We were recently delighted to support the South Asian Celebratory Afternoon 2023 through the Staff Lottery. The event was held on Friday 28th July 2023 at the Education, Culture & Organisational Development Department (ECOD) to celebrate and honour South Asian Heritage Month.
Health & Wellbeing Fayre for the Vale of Glamorgan

The Staff Lottery supported the Health & Wellbeing Fayre that was hosted on Tuesday 16th May at Barry Memorial Hall. It was the first of its kind being held in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. This event is a great opportunity for local communities to come together and explore the wide array of services and groups that can support them to be more active, and empower them to make positive changes for their Health and Wellbeing.
‘Tredegarville’s Tales’ – Book of stories inspired by Cardiff Royal Infirmary

Made possible with Staff Lottery funding, and as part of the ‘Cardiff Royal Infirmary: People, Places, Future’ project, the Tredegarville School Church year 5 pupils were given an opportunity to produce their own book of stories about Cardiff Royal Infirmary following workshops with actor Daniel Buck.
Comedy Workshops for the Service for High-Risk Eating Disorders

The Staff Lottery recently funded a project to provide an online comedy programme for the users of the Service for High-Risk Eating Disorders. The course was delivered by Dave Chowner, a professional stand-up comedian who has recovered from an eating disorder, through 6 1-hour weekly tutoring sessions for a group of 10 individuals.
Pottery Workshops for Hafan y Coed

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel have recently supported a bid to bring therapeutic pottery sessions delivered by the Occupational Therapy team and Cardiff Pottery Workshops to the Adult Rehab Mental Health Services based at Hafan y Coed, University Hospital Llandough.
Arts for MHSOP

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently supported a project to develop and advance a series of art sessions to deliver to the Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) wards at University Hospital Llandough and Barry Hospital.
Art for SARC – Phase 2

In the recent Staff Lottery Bids Panel Meeting, Phase 2 of the ‘Art for SARC’ project has been approved to install wall vinyls at the Paediatric Area of Ynys Saff. Following regional SARC developments, Ynys Saff is already the Paediatric Hub for South East Wales for clients under the age of 14 who have experienced acute sexual assault.
Staff Wellbeing Space at the Cochrane Library

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently supported a project to improve the environment of the newly created staff wellbeing area in the Cochrane Library at University Hospital Llandough.
Environment Improvements at the Antenatal Clinic – University Hospital Llandough

Cardiff & Vale Health Charity team have recently supported a project to improve the environment of the Antenatal Clinic at University Hospital Llandough where the Rainbow Clinic is also based.
Cardiff Royal Infirmary Timeline

Through funding from the Staff Lottery at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme are proud to create a timeline to reflect 200 years of organised healthcare being provided in the South and East Cardiff Locality area, which is now on display in the Therapies corridor at Cardiff Royal Infirmary.
Penarth District Nursing Team Wellbeing Summer Project

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel were delighted to support the Penarth District Nursing Team with their bid for the Wellbeing Summer Project to add a new sitting area for staff to relax and reflect during their lunchbreaks.
Maternity Summer Sports Day Supported by the Staff Lottery Bids Panel

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently approved a bid to fund sports equipment for a Maternity Summer Sports Day organised by Obstetrics Unit. Workplace culture in the Maternity Unit has been placed as top priority for the clinical board, and organising the Maternity Summer Sports Day was a way to bring the Unit together through socialising and fun activities.
Spinal Rehabilitation Gym Transformed with Motivational Artwork

A joint funded project was recently granted by the Staff Lottery Bids Panel and the Morgan Legacy Fund to transform the walls of the Spinal Rehabilitation Gym at University Hospital Llandough, in an aim to make it a more vibrant and welcoming space.
MHSOP Therapies Musical Garden Launch Party

With funding granted by the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, the Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) garden has been transformed into an inviting and interactive space for patients to enjoy and utilise as part of their therapy.
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel Supports the Specialist Services Staff Recognition Event

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently approved a bid to support the Specialist Services Recognition Event, which was delayed for a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The funds were used to purchase awards, decorations and refreshments for the event, directly supporting the Specialist Services staff by showing the appreciation of their hard work and dedication.
Free Ice Cream Helps Staff Beat the Heat

To say thank you to staff at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board hospital sites who had to work during the recent heatwave, the Staff Lottery Bids Panel funded ice cream vans to visit University Hospital Wales and University Hospital Llandough. Tip tops were also given out at Barry Hospital and St David’s Hospital.
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel Supports Project to Provide Additional Seating at CRI

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel were delighted to support a bid to install three fold-up seats along the long corridor of Cardiff Royal Infirmary, in an aim to improve the patient, staff and visitor experience.
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel Supports a Bid to Provide an Outdoor Bench to Staff

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently approved a bid to provide the staff at the UHB daytime services call centre based in the old Barry leisure centre with a new garden bench, which will allow them to spend more time outdoors during their breaks.
Therapies Musical Garden Project Supported by the Staff Lottery

Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) began a project to transform their inpatient garden into an inviting, stimulating and relaxing area that patients would enjoy and utilise as part of their therapy. With funding agreed from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, the team were able to purchase outdoor musical equipment, situated at certain points within the garden adding an interactive experience throughout the area.
Operating Department Practitioners Day

On 14th May it’s National Operating Department Practitioners Day, and we’re delighted to have supported our operating theatre colleagues. The Staff Lottery Bids Panel have agreed to provide funds to B3 in University Hospital of Wales to hold a celebratory event to mark this special day.
International Nurses Day

Across our General Surgery and Trauma & Orthopaedics Directorates at University Hospital of Wales, and Medicine Directorates at Barry Hospital and St David’s Hospital, our Staff Lottery Bids Panel have agreed to funding fruit hampers and healthy alternatives to our nursing staff to help with their health and wellbeing.
New Wax Baths for the Welsh Paediatric Rheumatology Service

Paraffin baths have proven positive effects for individuals affected by rheumatological conditions by relieving paint and stiffness, and improving mobility. The new wax baths can now be used by patients to improve their therapeutic outcomes of physiotherapy and occupational therapy and support the augmentation of their care and ease their pain symptoms.
International Day of the Midwife

This year Cardiff & Vale Health Charity are proud to support the Obs and Gynae department at University Hospital of Wales with their staff recognition awards by supplying funds for five hampers to the winners.
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel Supports the Dementia Darnings Project

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel supported a project to bring artist Jenni Dutton to exhibit the ‘Dementia Darnings’ at the Hearth Gallery in University Hospital Llandough, and her daughter Briony Goffin to deliver creative writing workshops over the course of the exhibition.
Specialist Dysphagia Equipment Provided to the Speech and Language Therapy Patients

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently supported a project to provide specialist cups and straws to the residents of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who struggle with dysphagia (swallowing impairment).
Postcards of Thanks Gifted to Cardiff Royal Infirmary Staff and Supporters in Celebration of the Chapel’s Centenary

As the 100th anniversary of the Chapel at Cardiff Royal Infirmary is marked, the Staff Lottery has funded for CRI staff and supporters to receive a card of thanks for their contribution to the hospital and its community.
Outdoor Furniture for the St David’s Hospital Courtyard Garden

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel supported a project to provide outdoor seating in the courtyard of St David’s Hospital. Many staff have already commented how they can’t wait to utilise the space and the furniture for their breaks to enhance their wellbeing.
Texting Games for Patients

With the support of the Staff Lottery Fund at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, the Arts for Health and Wellbeing team are delighted to implement the first games project for the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme with Modular Designer, Jordan Draper.