Gift in Memory/Celebration

Gift in Memory

Remember a loved one and support the Health Charity by donating in memory. We truly appreciate people thinking about our charity at a very difficult time.

If you would like to donate in memory there are two ways very simple ways you can do this:

Ask people to donate to the charity instead of bringing flowers. Envelopes for collections can be requested from the charity office.

Create a tribute fund – Setting up a tribute fund is a generous way of remembering a loved one. Please us to discuss your options.

Gift in Celebration

Asking your family and friends to donate to the Health Charity instead of bringing gifts is a fantastic way to raise money.

Make your birthday, wedding or special occasion extra special by asking for donations in lieu of presents to the Health Charity. Many of our supporters choose to donate in lieu of gifts, helping us to make a difference to our patients.

For more information on setting up a Gift in Celebration or to order envelopes for donations please email