Improving Health Environments
Throughout Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff & Vale Health Charity alongside the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme have worked hard to help improve health environments across our sites. Here’s a look at our projects below.

Occupational Health Department improves staff waiting areas
To improve the service user experience, the Occupational Health Team have made a large room within the department available to be adapted into a waiting area for staff attending the department, as the current waiting room is very small.

People Health and Wellbeing Service is refurbished
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity have recently been working with the People Health and Wellbeing Service at University Hospital Wales to provide a fresh new look to the department.

Environment improvements at the Antenatal Clinic – University Hospital Llandough
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity supported a project to improve the environment of the Antenatal Clinic at University Hospital Llandough where the Rainbow Clinic is also based.

Occupational Health gets a fresh new look
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity have worked with People Health and Wellbeing Services at University Hospital Wales to provide a more comforting environment for colleagues.

Art for SARC
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel approved a bid to brighten up the space of Ynys Saff at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) at Cardiff Royal Infirmary in an aim to create a safe and nurturing environment for those who come to use the Sexual Assault Service.

Cardiff and Vale Health Inclusion Service (CAVHIS) is adorned with art
To improve the environment for patients visiting Cardiff and Vale Health Inclusion Service (CAVHIS) at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme commissioned an array of artwork, some of which were kindly supported by monies provided by NHS Charities Together, to be put on display for all to see.

Wall glamour for the Pelvic Health Service
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity and the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme have been delighted to support the team from the Pelvic Health Service, now based at Barry Hospital, to enable them to brighten the corridor space outside their clinic areas.

Wall vinyl to reflect our Superhero Health Board Staff
With funding from NHS Charities Together, the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity are delighted to commission a new wall vinyl with Grosvenor Interiors.

Arts for Health and Wellbeing collaborations with Grosvenor Interiors
The Arts for Health and Wellbeing team are pleased to have once again worked with Grosvenor interiors on some amazing Arts projects. One of the aims of the Arts programme, supported by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, is to enhance the experience of our patients and their families, and we are pleased to have collaborated with Grosvenor to design and install vinyl artwork in a few of our hospital sites.

New space ward mural is out of this world
A new bilingual mural has been installed on Space Ward at the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales to help encourage Welsh speaking patients feel comfortable using their chosen language on the ward.

Staff haven is now open in Lakeside Wing – University Hospital of Wales
Thanks to funding from a large donation made from Gareth and Emma Bale during the pandemic, a calm and tranquil space is now available for staff to use for rest and recuperation at the University Hospital of Wales.