Cardiff & Vale Health Charity is delighted to announce, Carly Shier, has been crowned Health Hero for November.
Carly, who began her career in Procurement as a buyer before joining the UHL Theatre Stores Team was nominated by colleague, Victoria Wilson, Assistant Service Manager. Carly is described as a huge asset with a ‘can do’ attitude and is a gold standard example of ‘doing the right thing’.
Victoria says, “Throughout the Pandemic (despite technically being allowed to shield) Carly attended work to keep our Theatres running. Additionally, she spends hours pulling together evidence to manage spend and justify spending tax-payers money within our Directorate and spends the rest of her time supporting the Stores Team and wider Theatre teams. I praise Carly regularly for her commitment to the service, the team and to the patients undergoing surgery but I feel it would be amazing if she received a special treat from us to thank her for all her hard work and for supporting so many people both personally and professionally throughout the last few years. Her family should be very proud of her and the UHB should be too. She is a huge asset”.
Jon Barada- Interim Lead Nurse, Perioperative Care, goes on to says, “During the height of the COVID pandemic, Carly attended work determined to support her team and the service during an extremely challenging period. Carly provided much need comfort and comic relief to her team during these very trying months and set an excellent example of how each of us had a part to play in creating a resilient and adaptable service. Carly worked tirelessly to ensure her team worked in line with IPC guidelines and worked hard to protect and reassure her team.
Carly oversees a huge area and takes pride in understanding the service in detail especially in relation to ensuring all funds allocated to stock, implants and hire of equipment is meticulously accounted for and is justified. Carly has developed a culture of collaboration with the Theatre clinical teams to support them in delivering a safe and efficient service to Cardiff and Vale patients, never shying away from offering help in any situation and working with the teams to make sure there is a plan in place whenever there is a threat to continuity of the service relating to stock or implants.
Carly monitors and reports as much detail as possible to enable senior management to base decisions on her data and reports. Carly is a pleasure to work with, juggling home life with a husband and two small children. Carly always attends work with a ‘can do’ attitude and is compassionate and caring to everyone, even when faced with confrontation and difficult conversations. She has a credible reputation for being a font of knowledge but more importantly as someone that will listen without judgement and always do her best to help as a professional, as a supervisor and as a friend to so many people. We are extremely lucky to have her and are very proud of her achievements.
Carly will be Health Hero for the month of November and will receive a treat from sponsors Park Plaza Cardiff. She is delighted with the award nomination.
The Health Hero Award is supported by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity and Park Plaza Cardiff.
If you feel you know someone who has worked tirelessly to help a colleague or patient in healthcare settings throughout Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and deserves recognition then tell let us know about them.
To nominate your Health Hero: Email: fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk
Nominations must include: Your name, contact details, the nominee’s name and role, plus some words explaining exactly why you think they deserve to be crowned Health Hero.
If you have already nominated someone, they will be automatically entered into the next round for consideration for the award.
Tweet #CAVhealthhero to spread the word and show your support for our fantastic NHS!