To celebrate the NHS’ 74th birthday, on 25th July Multi Professional Rehabilitation Assistant and Wellbeing Champion, Natalie McCulloch, organised a staff bake-off at the Stroke Rehabilitation Centre, University Hospital Llandough.

The idea came as a team building exercise and to help increase staff morale with a friendly competition. With four entries, the winning cake was created by ward domestic, Jenny McShane-Hewins with her ‘yummy mummy lemon drizzle cake’. Congratulations to Jenny who received a wonderful hamper donated by Morrisons.
The bake-off raised £32.50 and will be used to help fund projects over and above what normal NHS funding provides. A big thank you to Natalie and all at SRC for taking part.
If you would like to fundraise for Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, please contact the Fundraising Team at