
Following the recent ‘Talking Point’ project, funded by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s Staff Lottery, a mural has been installed in Barry Hospital’s courtyard garden, along with improvements to the outdoor area, inviting all staff, patients, and visitors to enjoy nature.

Being surrounded by nature is known to bring a sense of calm, particularly for patients spending extended hours on a ward. Time spent outdoors in fresh air engages the senses and offers a welcome break, contributing positively to patients’ recovery and overall wellbeing.

The previously neglected courtyard at Barry Hospital has undergone a revitalisation, now featuring new furniture and two vibrant artworks adorning its walls. The artworks were created by local artist Emma Jones following the ‘Talking Point’ project, delivered by Breathe Creative and funded by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s Staff Lottery. Working with patients on the Sam Davies Ward, the rehabilitation ward at Barry Hospital, the project has been providing a positive focus for the patients, and staff.

Most of the patients on the Sam Davies Ward are elderly. Many of them have dementia, and their extended stays in the ward can often lead to feelings of isolation. The project aimed to evoke strength, resilience, humour, and creativity among participants, with their positive memories immortalised in the murals.

“We used to go to Brindels in Barry,

on the Knapp, right by the sea.

We used to go dancing there every week,

with our entire family.

It was wonderful, they had a pianist and live music”

“My brother took me to see Elvis in Cardiff when I was 15. It was

electric I will never forget it,

I can’t choose a favourite song I love them all

I was such a fan.”

“We used to dip our petticoats into sugar water and put them

dripping wet on the washing line to make them stiff. We used the

same sugar water to make our hair stand up.”

Emma Jones skilfully incorporated participants’ personal stories into her artwork, alongside natural elements, transforming the courtyard into a serene and inviting space, just in time for spring.

Such projects, supported by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s Staff Lottery fund, play a vital role in enhancing patient experiences. Learn more about past projects and how to apply for funding for your ward or department here.

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