Following the extreme pressures on our NHS colleagues over the past 2 years, we have listened carefully to comments and suggestions from UHB staff who have expressed the need for dedicated outdoor areas to enable them to take time away from the stresses of their daily working lives.
With funding from NHS Charities Together (NHSCT), Cardiff & Vale Health Charity have now been able to progress a project to create outdoor staff haven spaces at University Hospital of Wales, University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff Royal Infirmary, St David’s Hospital and Barry Hospital all with the purpose of enabling staff to access an outdoor environment to rest and reflect.
The detailed proposal for this NHSCT Stage 3 Covid-19 Recovery Grant Application process, was to provide designated outside space for staff to aid recovery after COVID-19. The requirements were to ensure each outdoor space would be welcoming, calming multifunctional and provide seating areas and other areas of interest such as art/sculptures, plants, trees and calming sounds, overall an environment to rest and reflect. Many of us choose to do this in different ways and therefore each area is fluid in its approach and site specific.

Working with Countrywide, The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team oversaw this project to completion with all outside areas now available and already in use. We are delighted that feedback has already been very positive with staff across all our sites, and have been installed just in time to enable staff to enjoy some of the glorious sunshine we have been having.

Going forward, the vision is to commission a series of artwork from Welsh artists to further enhance these areas.
For further information on this, or any other charity funded projects, please contact the Health Charity team on fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk