With support from Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s Bale Fund, a new riser recliner chair has been procured for vascular patients undergoing rehabilitation on Ward 1, Lakeside Wing, University Hospital Wales.
The Cardiff Regional Vascular Unit provides diagnosis and treatment for vascular diseases (problems with the circulation and blood vessels). Following the centralisation of vascular services in South East Wales, the Vascular Ward (B2), is the Vascular Hub for the South East Wales Vascular Network, and a new vascular rehabilitation service has been created on Ward 1, Lakeside Wing.
These patients are still in the early phase of their rehabilitation, many of them following a lower limb amputation, and will usually have other significant complex medical and rehabilitation needs. A significant number of vascular amputees are less able to sit comfortably in a conventional hospital chair, or transfer into their wheelchairs. They greatly benefit from sitting in an appropriate, safe chair rather than being bound to their bed.
The riser recliner chair will enable progression in a patient’s rehabilitation as it has greater function than a regular recliner chair. As well as enabling continued therapy time with the physiotherapists and occupational therapists, the chair will also help the patient to sit out of bed for longer periods and at meal times. This promotes rehabilitation, nutrition intake, and planning for home.
Kate Rowlands, the Vascular Nurse Specialist, said: ”As a team, we are thrilled and grateful to have been awarded money to purchase this riser recliner chair for our vascular patients who are having rehabilitation.”
“A riser recliner chair, not only provides a comfortable seat, but this specialist type of chair can assist the therapy and nursing teams to help a patient meet their rehabilitation goals. In addition to these benefits, being able to sit out in a chair, can support the mental wellbeing of a patient, and promote a positive experience for their recovery, especially when family visit.”
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity were delighted to support the project, as it directly contributes to patient rehabilitation and recovery. The addition of the chair will aid the psychological adaptation to limb loss and recovery, and will become a positive goal in the patient rehabilitation journey.
If your ward or department would benefit from additional equipment that would benefit patients or staff, please contact fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk to discuss your project.
To support projects such as this one, we encourage you to donate to a ward or department of your choice.