
Since COVID-19, mental health has been suffering. We’ve identified a need to create opportunities for every member of our community to get involved in outdoor activities as a way of rehabilitation since the pandemic.

It is very clear that the pandemic has severely impacted on our collective physical and mental health. In particular, those from disadvantaged backgrounds have been most affected. This project will demonstrate how healthcare can be integrated with nature, harnessing the proven benefits that outdoor programmes can have, benefitting people from all backgrounds and creating long term green infrastructure.

We have run two consultations where we reached out to the local community, community groups, partners, patients, staff and volunteers. It was clearly evident (over 300 responses) that there was a real need for an outdoor space where patients (both inpatients and community patients) can be rehabilitated and improve their physical and mental health, local community groups and partners could engage in activities that would improve confidence, mental health and wellbeing, and schools and youth groups could use the space for outdoor learning.

We used these consultations to shape the landscape design for Our Health Meadow and a ‘wellbeing’ building in preparation for a full planning application which has been approved. We have started work on the site with staff, patients, and local community whose feedback to us has further evidenced the need.

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