Earlier this month, the Neuro Rehabilitation Unit at University Hospital Llandough organised an Autumn Fayre with patients and their families. The ward set up a craft and cake stall, as well as a refreshments table.
Patients and their families spent the afternoon together alongside Joe Ralls and Sean Morrison, Cardiff City FC players, who made a surprise visit thanks to Prop committee member Prof. Dr Len Nokes. As everyone sat around enjoying their cake and chatting, Lucie from Nordiff Robbins played guitar and sang with the patients as she would during a music therapy session. Meanwhile, Joe and Sean helped with the raffle, giving away some lovely prizes to the lucky winners!
The afternoon was an absolute success and raised just over £800! Thank you to everyone who spent time organising this lovely event, and to the patients, families and staff who supported. A big thanks to Prof. Dr Len Nokes, and to Joe Ralls and Sean Morrison who dedicated time out of their busy schedules to spend a couple of hours with our patients.