
Artist, Eve Hart, has generously gifted the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme five beautiful artworks in memory of her husband and the care he received at University Hospital Llandough.

The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme is part of Cardiff & Vale Health Charity and is a small but dedicated team of artists and art enthusiasts at Cardiff and Vale UHB. They believe the arts can, and do, have a hugely positive effect, improving the lives and the experiences of patients, service users, carers, visitors and staff, as well as those who work in the arts themselves.

The group of paintings were originally created for a Hearth Gallery Exhibition at University Hospital Llandough in 2017 with Vale of Glamorgan Artists (VOGA).

Eve’s collection is called Walking the Corridor, reflecting the walks Eve would take of the long corridors in University Hospital Llandough during the time she spent visiting at the hospital.

The gouache on watercolour paintings depict various views from the first floor corridor particularly of the courtyard gardens; areas designed to improved relaxation, recuperation and the wellbeing of patients.

The artworks will be permanently displayed at University Hospital Llandough to be enjoyed by patients, staff and visitors.

If you’d like to leave a gift in your will to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, please contact or for more information, please visit

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