The Staff Lottery SuperDraw took place on Friday 27th May 2022.
The lucky winner of the £6,000 May SuperDraw 2022 is Ian Evans – Dental Service, St David’s Hospital
James Payyampallil – Housekeeping (Community)
Catherine Morris – Emergency Unit (UHW)
Debbie Mynett – Community Addictions Team (CRI)
Juliet Hughes – Island Ward (UHW)
Entry into the Staff Lottery is automatically deducted from your payroll and each entry costs £1 per week. Once you are part of the Staff Lottery you are given an allocated unique number and the winning number is generated at random by computer.
The Staff Lottery supports staff across Cardiff and Vale by creating new winners every month. It also enables staff to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, which has awarded grants of over £1.5 million to support numerous projects across the UHB which benefit, patients, staff and visitors.
Lottery Application form can be completed electronically here and returned to fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk.