
Everyone at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity would like to say a big thank you to Tracy Carwardine who has decided to brave the grey in aid of helping the staff of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Tracy like many other people within the UK is currently in lockdown and unable to attend places such as hair salons, which are currently closed. She therefore had the great idea to set up a fundraiser, where instead of buying a box of hair dye normally worth around £5 she encouraged people to join her and instead donate £5 to Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. Her total currently stands at a fantastic £151.25 which she would like to be donated to the Health Charity to help support NHS staff across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Tracy said “I hope my fundraising will help support those on the front line during this pandemic and I will continue to encourage others to brave the grey and hopefully raise more money for all our local NHS staff doing an incredible job right now”.

We at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity very much appreciate this act of kindness and on behalf of all the NHS teams here in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, we thank Tracy from the bottom of our hearts for her inspiring kindness and generosity once again.

If you would like more information on how you can help #SpreadtheLove and help our frontline NHS Teams through this pandemic then please visit Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s website; or contact us via email; you can also make a donation here:

Frontline NHS staff go to work to keep us and our loved ones safe. The greatest thing we can do right now to return the gesture is to stay at home. So please Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.

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