The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team are delighted to support Spoken Word Poetry Workshops, The Power of the Pen, created and delivered by Duke Al and hosted at the Railway Gardens, Splott, Cardiff.

“The pen, and the insulin pen. The ink and the insulin. As a poet and a person living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) both pens are vital, the insulin, well, I’m sure you know what that does… but the ink, maybe not so much. The ink in the pen, is a powerful tool, it allows me to express myself and really tell the page about how T1D affects me, I do this in the form of poetry, it is my very own superpower.” – Duke Al
The workshops will give young people the opportunity to share their experiences, meet other young people, and have their voices heard. Our sessions are co-produced by CAVUHB’s Paediatric Community Diabetes Liaison Nurse and our Youth Worker for Paediatric and Young Adults Diabetes Service. The project is part of our Space to Grow project, funded by Arts Council of Wales.
We are looking forward to more amazing sessions delivered by Duke Al, and our thanks to The Railway Gardens staff for their support.