With so many changes this year, the Community Brain Injury Team, (CBIT) wanted to spread a little festive cheer to those they support. A specialist Neurorehabilitation team that supports individuals and their families, who have experienced traumatic or acquired brain injuries.
Social connection and inclusion is such an important part of brain injury rehabilitation, and one that so many people find helpful and valuable.
The team put on their first socially distanced “Christmas get together and Craft” at Rookwood Hospital, and held sessions virtually over Zoom. Everyone who attended said how pleased they were to be able to meet others who are also adjusting to life changing injuries. For some, it gave them the opportunity to talk through the impact that coronavirus has had on their routine, recovery and support networks.
Loneliness and isolation can be common following a brain injury, and for the majority of the patient group, this has been intensified by the restrictions of coronavirus. Giving the option of either face-to-face or virtual groups meant they could be as inclusive as possible, to allow anyone self-isolating or limiting social contact as well as those that struggle with the debilitating impact of fatigue or inability to drive due to injury, to be able to access the groups. Each session was spent crafting Christmas cards, macramé wreaths, cork reindeers and snowflakes, supported by CBIT staff. Craft boxes were sent in advance to those attending via zoom so that everyone would be able to join in. The CBIT team were pressed by the service users’ creative and IT achievements!
Dr Siobhan Moore said “We would like to thank Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, who so generously funded the craft materials through the fast track staff lottery fund, to allow us to hold the events”.
If you would like to join the Staff Lottery, application forms can be completed electronically or via our website; https://healthcharity.wales/hospital-staff/staff-lottery/. Please return completed Staff Lottery forms to fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk. If you would like to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, please contact the above address for details.