
The Cardiff Rainbow Clinic at the University Hospital Llandough cares for women and their families who have lost a baby during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

Every day in the UK, 15 babies are sadly lost in pregnancy or shortly after birth. In recognition of this, some of the Rainbow Clinic team are walking 15 miles on Saturday 10th October 2020. Socially distanced, within their own local areas to raise funds for the Clinic.

Pregnancy after loss is daunting. Around half of all stillbirths and miscarriages are unexplained, leaving parents feeling powerless to stop it happening again.

Antenatal care for these families varies across the country, often with no continuity of care. Women sometimes have to explain the worst day of their lives over and over again, feeling distant from other expectant parents.

In 2017, the Rainbow Clinic was opened at University Hospital of Llandough. A team of midwives, sonographers, healthcare support workers and obstetricians provide specialist antenatal care and support for women from the darkest weeks after their loss, through the highs and lows of the next pregnancy.

All money raised will go directly to the Rainbow Clinic via the Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. Funds will be directed towards training staff in advanced fetal assessment and bereavement care.

You can sponsor the team through their Justgiving page. The staff taking part are:

Dr Monique Latibeaudiere, Consultant Obstetrician

Dr Amy Robb, Consultant Obstetrician

Helen Whalley, Bereavement Midwife

Cath Reen, Rainbow Clinic Midwife

Becky Kirkum , Health Care Support worker to the Rainbow Clinic

Judith Cutter, Consultant Midwife

Suzanne Hardacre, Head of Midwifery

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