The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity present a new exhibition with artworks created from social prescribing project A Space to Grow, Lle i Dyfu.
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity’s Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme are thrilled to launch a new exhibition within the Hearth Gallery at University Hospital Llandough. A Space to Grow, Lle i Dyfu is a social prescribing project funded through the Arts Council of Wales which connects growing and creating. Through a combination of the creative arts, nature, and food-based learning and sharing, an innovative synergistic approach has been adopted to improve the wellbeing of patients and service users, and to connect people across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, as well as Wales as a whole.
The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme, working alongside several partners, have developed new ways to improve the confidence and skills of participants, particularly those from vulnerable and marginalised communities . It’s also been noted how the creative arts can positively influence raising awareness, address stigma, and provide exceptional opportunities for learning and sharing between Cardiff and Vale University Health Board staff and people living with long-term conditions.
Across a number of venues throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, workshops have been delivered with talented artists, such as botanical dying using waste food, urban vertical farm design, spoken word poetry, film, song writing/composition, storytelling and podcast design, ceramics, creative writing and journaling, cyanotypes, 3D digital printing, painting, creative cooking courses and cross cultural healthy recipe design.
Artwork as part of the Space to Grow, Lle i Dyfu project will be on display at the Hearth Gallery until 7th May, together with a series of open access workshops and events.
By partnering with Urban-Vertical CIC, the Arts Programme were able to connect with many more partners to build a social prescribing network based around arts, nature and food.
For more information about A Space to Grow, Lle i Dyfu and other projects the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme and the Hearth Gallery are currently working on, or to make a donation please visit cardiffandvale.art or email artsinhealth.cav@wales.nhs.uk
Project partners:
Urban-Vertical CIC
Paediatric Diabetes Service, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Cardiology Services, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Duke Al, Spoken Word Poet
Flossy and Boo
Safer Wales
Connect Women First
Down to Earth