Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, supported by NHS Charities Together, has awarded funding to the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Community Neurology Rehabilitation Services and Physiotherapy Neurology Outpatient Service, to deliver exercise equipment to patients with neurological conditions. This investment in equipment allowed patients to continue with their physiotherapy at home, whilst areas of the hospital were shut due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Jill Davies, the Neuromuscular Specialist Physiotherapist said: ‘Many patients with neurological conditions rely on regular exercise and activity to maintain their health and well-being, both mental and physical. Without the support of the neurology physiotherapy services provided, these patients were unable to exercise in the community or in a hospital environment.
“Patients were assessed virtually but often needed equipment to continue with their physiotherapy at home.
“Also, the physiotherapy department at the University Hospital of Wales and the leisure centres that offer community services were closed and there were no options for individuals with neurological conditions to exercise safely or have face to face physiotherapy assessments and treatment.”
Thanks to this funding, a variety of equipment was delivered to over 35 patients between October 2020 and May 2021. The equipment aided physiotherapy of various different conditions which allow regular use of exercise bikes, pedals, stroke upper limb equipment, resistance bands, and kindle fire tablets with pre-loaded exercises to allow those who don’t have access to the Internet to continue with the exercises at home. Guidance was provided along with the equipment, and virtual or telephone calls were arranged to ensure that the equipment was being used properly.
Jill continued: “The results show equipment has allowed individuals with neurological conditions to continue their physiotherapy at home and to exercise regularly to reduce deterioration of long-standing conditions and to rehabilitate following exacerbations of other conditions.
“Home exercising and virtual appointments were a temporary solution to continue physiotherapy services for patients with neurological conditions whilst outpatient services were not accessible and for the staff, having this equipment has allowed them to continue our service in a timely and safe manner for our patients.”
The Physiotherapy team gathered written feedback to establish the impact of being able to continue physiotherapy at home. Here’s some of the feedback received from patients:

‘I don’t think I would have been able to carry on with my rehabilitation without the support of the physiotherapist and their guidance to use the equipment’
‘Gave me confidence to exercise at home knowing that a physiotherapist had supplied it’
‘I feel I have got weaker and have lost confidence during lockdown but having the opportunity to exercise with support to do my home exercises will make all the difference. Thank you!’
‘Borrowing the equipment has allowed me to realise the benefits of regular exercise and I now know what equipment to buy myself’
The team also sent out a survey which provided further feedback regarding the equipment provision.
93% of users said the equipment was very easy to use, with the other 7% stating that it was ‘somewhat easy’ to operate.
71% of the respondents said that they are very likely to recommend this method of treatment to other patients, with the remaining 29% still being likely to recommend the service.
Overall, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and proves how beneficial the provision of the equipment had been to patients with neurological conditions.
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