Our Health Meadow at University Hospital Llandough has received a Building with Nature Full Award*, the first of its kind in Wales!
The Building with Nature Standards provide planners and developers with evidence-based, how-to, guidance on delivering high quality green infrastructure. The Standard puts nature at the heart of development in a way that’s good for people and for wildlife.
Our Health Meadow does exactly that. Our aim is to establish an ecological community health park which aims to benefit wildlife, plants and people through positive human environment interaction.
On Friday 17th June, CEO of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Suzanne Rankin, Head of Cardiff & Vale Health Charity and Arts Programme, Simone Joslyn, Minister for the Economy of Wales, Vaughn Gething MS, and our Down to Earth partners met in Our Health Meadow to announce the success of receiving the award.
Vaughan Gething MS said, “I’m really interested in seeing what we can create together here and the benefit it will provide for both patients, staff and the wider community. To develop something together with nature to have not just a net biodiversity gain but provide even more evidence for how outdoor health care can help you, me and everybody else who need our NHS.”
Cardiff & Vale UHB CEO, Suzanne Rankin said, “Our Health Meadow is an absolutely inspirational project which is creating a new kind of space for health care delivery. It will create the opportunity for us to explore, and develop an understanding of the evidence base around this kind of healthcare, and create a space where our local community can get down to nature and experience this wonderful landscape.”
Senior Fundraiser for Our Health Meadow, Georgina Burke said, “It’s an absolute honour that we’ve received such a prestigious award for Our Health Meadow. We hope to continue to provide a space that’s nurturing for the wildlife and our patients, staff, and local community, and will always keep health and wellbeing at the forefront of this project.”
Our Health Meadow is funded by donations made to Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. If you would like to donate, please visit healthcharity.wales/donate.
*subject to post-construction sign-off.