The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently approved a bid to provide new wax baths for the Welsh Paediatric Rheumatology Service.
The Welsh Paediatric Rheumatology Service is a newly established tertiary service covering South Wales, that support children and young people affected by rheumatological conditions like arthritis, osteoarthritis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis is a long-term condition that affects all aspects of life and impacts negatively on the patients’ wellbeing with many experiencing significant episodes of pain and joint restriction.
Paraffin baths have proven positive effects for individuals affected by rheumatological conditions by relieving paint and stiffness, and improving mobility. The new wax baths can now be used by patients to improve their therapeutic outcomes of physiotherapy and occupational therapy and support the augmentation of their care and ease their pain symptoms.

The Staff Lottery Bids Panel happily approved the bid, as it promotes physical and mental wellbeing through aiding the patients’ recovery and therapeutic outcomes, as well as improving patient experience.
Why YOU should support the Staff Lottery!
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel endeavours to work towards all seven wellbeing goals set out by the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act whilst utilising the five ways of working; long term, prevention, integration, collaboration and involvement.
By joining the Staff Lottery, you are actively supporting a wide range of projects funded by the Bids Panel which enhance countless services across the UHB. Through this funding, you are helping the Bids Panel and Health Charity make things better for both our staff and patients, helping us all work together to create a more Prosperous, Healthier and Resilient Wales.
If you would like to join the Staff Lottery for a chance to win £1,000 each week, application forms can be completed electronically or via our website; https://healthcharity.wales/hospital-staff/staff-lottery/. Please return completed Staff Lottery forms to fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk.
If you would like to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, please contact the above email address for details.
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity encourages you to join the Staff Lottery and apply for funding, which can enhance your department or service and inform others of the benefits of joining the Staff Lottery. And who knows, maybe you will be our next winner?