Through the Covid-19 Charitable Funds Application process, Cardiff & Vale Health Charity has recently supported a bid for a garden project outside Elizabeth Ward, St David’s Hospital.

The team made an application to the Health Charity for funding to help buy some garden furniture, storage shed and gazebo for their garden, which they felt had the potential to be a useful space for their patients to go for some fresh air and to spend time with relatives or visitors (Covid-19 restrictions allowing).
At the time of their initial request, the team were unable to use the space as they didn’t have any appropriate garden furniture for patients to use, and they also later submitted a further request to buy plants and pots to allow both staff on the ward and patients the opportunity to make the area a useable and more visually appealing.
Zara Jenkins, Ward Sister for Elizabeth Ward kindly provided an update on their project saying: “By providing us with the funds to buy garden furniture and plants etc we have been able to make the area not only a more appealing place to sit but also staff and patients have taken ownership of the environment and it has significantly enhanced their wellbeing. The garden has become a calming and tranquil place to sit.”
Zara continued: “Our Garden has vastly improved from an unused and unloved space to an area to be proud of. The team (with help from some of our patients too) have transformed the space. Thank you so very much to Cardiff & Vale Health Charity for your kind donation to help us make use of our garden.”
The team have also put a sign up in the garden acknowledging the Health Charity’s support for this worthwhile project, and it is hoped the staff and patients of Elizabeth Ward enjoy many sunshine filled hours in their lovely new space in the months and years to come.
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