
We are delighted to present ‘Let the Light Shine – an exhibition of oil paintings by Gek Lim. Gek is a Singaporean artist who has been a resident in South Wales since 2015. She took up painting as a hobby after retiring from a full-time job, and has exhibited her paintings in places she has lived in – Ulaanbaatar, Penang, and Singapore.

“Light and clarity are needed amidst the daily gloomy news and widespread of falsehoods in the social media. Inner light or intuition helps to guide us in life which after all is a dance. Hopefully, ‘Let the Light Shine’ will encourage viewers to go with the flow, enjoy the beauty of sunsets, and keep away from negative elements.

Since I started to paint in oils in 2004, my interest has been to create artworks that could speak to the audience and arouse thoughts and feelings in them. To me, painting is a means of discovering or uncovering what lies beyond and below the surface of things around us. Apart from creating abstracts, I enjoy painting skyscapes and seascapes, perhaps inspired by my favourite painter J.M.W. Turner, ‘The Painter of Light’. To achieve translucency in my paintings, I usually avoid thick paints, scumbling or impasto.”

-Gek Lim

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