This year, our Christmas campaign centred around a donation drive for our Looked After Children services who cater to our most vulnerable young people throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. The response we’ve had has been absolutely phenomenal.
We put a call out for gifts that would be suitable for teenagers, from socks and pyjamas to selection boxes and gift sets, and you delivered. Not only did colleagues at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board bring in numerous donations, but so did our supporters and community, and the result has been overwhelming.
One of our biggest supporters this year has been estate agency, Hern & Crabtree. Their staff, friends, family, valued customers, and WCS Agency rallied together and delivered a huge amount of sustainable gift bags, contributed by Eco Nature UK, filled with presents. In fact, there were so many donations, not only will the Looked After Children benefit from their generosity but so will the wards.
We spoke with Mike Baillie, Director at Hern & Crabtree who said, “We are honoured to support the NHS and Cardiff & Vale Health Charity this year. Many of us know someone who has spent time in the hospital, and it means so much to us to contribute, even in a small way, to those who won’t be home for Christmas.”
Sarah Pippen, Looked After Children Services Team Manager said, “Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Looked After Children’s Christmas donation drive, with a special mention to Hern & Crabtree. We are truly grateful for your support. We have been blown away with the generous and thoughtful gifts received. The team have delivered to over 180 young people all across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan this week. This kind gesture will really make a difference. Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy New Year to you all.”
At Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, we’re incredibly grateful for the outpouring of love and support to our Christmas campaign. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.