Lottie Stokes began raising funds for the Children’s Heart Service for Wales after second son, Louie was diagnosed with a major heart condition requiring multiple operations.
Lottie, her husband Karl and Louie himself have been extremely instrumental in their efforts to raise the profile of our health board and raise money for good causes for the benefit of Welsh children with heart conditions from birth. Between them all, they have raised over £40,000. These monies were used to purchase new equipment, improve standards of the existing diagnostic facilities and promote research and education. You can read more here;

Mum Lottie, says “How appropriate that Louie was born in February, heart month! Back on the 24th February 2009 we welcomed our second son into the world, he was instantly loved and adored by us and his big brother Dylan. Little did we know that 10 hours later he would be fighting for his life! Louie was born with Transposition of the Great Arteries, Pulmonary Stenosis and Ventricular Septal Defect…we were terrified. Along our rollercoaster ride we have met some real life heroes, and they all have a special place in our hearts. We’d love to dedicate Heart Month to the amazing Professor Uzun who has been with us since day one. He always has ours, and Louie’s best interests at heart, he will always talk football with Louie and is always keen for new projects and ideas to keep research and developments in the spotlight. We cannot thank him enough for everything he has done for us and the other heart families, we are eternally grateful! Louie is doing incredibly well at the moment and continues to be monitored until further surgery is needed. To look at him you’d never know what he’s been through in his life so far! We have been fundraising for over 11 years and are delighted to be able to help out with Prof Dr Uzun’s latest mission.
Prof Dr Uzun Consultant Paediatric and Fetal Cardiologist wrote:
“I become totally numb with mixed feelings when I read such wonderful and sincere remarks from the people like the Stokes Family who experienced real life encounters. These people have astounding resilience and formidable ability to transform their unexpected anguish into love, affection, and buoyancy. These selfless people, who were adorned with generosity, start reaching out to others in need whilst they, themselves, require care and attention from their friends and family.
Lottie, Karl, and their son, my hero “football legend”, Louie bring nothing but happiness and fun with them to their every appointment with us. Louie’s infectious and adorable smile instils warmth and joy into everyone’s hearts who have the chance of meeting him. They constantly think of others and ask for better care for every child with special heart matters. They tirelessly support the Children’s Heart Unit for Wales with their fundraising efforts and participate in research governance, flagship service design and development as citizens and stakeholders.
With the funding provided by the Stokes Family we are excited to be developing together “The Tele-Fetal Cardiology Diagnostic Service” for unborn babies with heart problems in pregnant women in South Wales. We envisage to establish instant consultation modules by donating cutting edge technology to all District General Hospitals where fetal anomaly scan are being carried out for pregnant mothers. Such a service will be unique in its concept which will help reduce health inequalities in remote parts of Wales by obviating the need for distressed parents to travel to Cardiff for specialist scans. Local teams will have instant access to specialist opinion and will also benefit from free online-live training opportunities without moving from their base hospitals.
I wish a happy birthday to my young, brave and football loving friend Louie and would like to convey my massive thanks to Lottie and Karl for their generosity and continuing support for the NHS to provide best care for unborn babies and children with special hearts”.
Prof Dr Orhan Uzun, MD FRCP
Consultant Paediatric and Fetal Cardiologist
Consultant Paediatric Cardiac Electrophysiologist
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