
The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team are delighted to receive funding and support from Arts Council of Wales and the Baring Foundation to begin Year 3 of our Arts and Minds project, Young Creative Connections.

This continued support enables artists and organisations to co-create meaningful, inclusive and innovative arts interventions alongside young people within our communities and vulnerable young people within our services.

The role our artists play is absolutely vital to the success of the project, and we were thrilled that in Year 2, over 87 art workshops across various arts mediums, including poetry, character design and creative writing, mask making, night shoot photography, filmmaking, collage, batik, painting, drawing and animation, were delivered.

Unify Film Youth Forum, Joe Kelley, Sian Burns, Louise Jensen
Louise Jensen, Youth Forum MW

It means a great deal to everyone involved to be supported by the Arts Council of Wales, and the difference these projects make to the wellbeing of young people through engagement with the creative arts is considerable.

We are really looking forward to Year 3!

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