
Our Space to Grow project continues to develop and grow.

We are delighted that Urban- Vertical CIC have created the following innovative, rich arts and wellbeing workshop courses available to our local communities – Belly dancing for the Menopause, Songwriting for Wellbeing, The Art of Eating Well, Power Pedal Life Cycles, building new partnerships through creative social prescribing.

‘I’ve found something that makes me feel like a woman again, it’s so sensual. I would love to continue with Bellydancing as it’s been wonderful and an important part of my week, just for me!


‘It was awesome. Just what I need to get myself back out in the world and meeting new people. Amazing.’


For more information on the arts, nature and food workshops please visit

We would like to thank our funders, the Arts Council of Wales’ Arts for Health and Wellbeing Lottery Fund

All photo credits – Urban-Vertical CIC

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