Thank you to Michelle Waters and friends who recently walked over 520 miles between them to raise funds for the Prop Appeal, after son Ryan was an inpatient on the Brain Injury Rehabilitation unit.
Michelle, along with daughter Kate Waters, and friends Alexandria Powell, Kate Taylor, Jamie Keel and Charlotte Smith, walked the distance over the 28 days of February and raised a fantastic £1,406.94 including gift aid.

Mum Michelle said: “Due to lockdown restrictions we all walked alone, myself, Kate and Charlotte in the Caerphilly area, Alexandria in the Merthyr area, Jamie in Bristol and Kate Waters in Swansea….we then all added our miles using a WhatsApp group and sent each other pictures of our walking apps”.
“Ryan is doing really well since his discharge, his mobility has massively improved and he is a very happy and content young man. He is making plans to climb Pen Y Fan next year, this is his goal. He is walking daily now and has also returned to his fishing”.
Ryan is pictured with mum Michelle and girlfriend, Kelsey, Sarah and Leanne from the physiotherapy team.