Gemma Maddern is our Staff Lottery SuperMegaDraw £23,000 winner!
Gemma is an Occupational Therapist from the Cardiff Community Resource Team, and has been a loyal Staff Lottery member for 9 years. She signed up to the Staff Lottery because she thought it would be a great way to support the charity, and is delighted that her patience has paid off.
She plans on spending her winnings on an electric car, a holiday and housework. Congratulations Gemma!
⭐ Jasmine Chung, Adult Speech and Language Therapy, UHW
⭐ Fay Rose, Podiatry, UHW
⭐ Gilliean Mtandabari, Complex Care & Commissions, Woodland House
⭐ Maria Roberts, Patient Safety Team, Woodland House
If you would like to join the Staff Lottery, application forms can be completed here.
If you would like to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, and see what projects have recently been supported please visit; Staff Lottery Funded Projects | Cardiff & Vale Health Charity