Two examples of successful applications submitted to the Staff Lottery Bids Panel for consideration at the meeting, which took place in July 2021, can be seen below;
Re-Brand and Re-Launch of Cardiff Health Access Practice as a ‘Health Inclusion Service’ for Vulnerable Groups
Cardiff Health Access Practice (CHAP) is a GP practice managed by the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board that provides essential services to Cardiff’s most vulnerable groups. Recently they have significantly improved the service they offer to Asylum Seekers who are dispersed to Cardiff.
As part of an ongoing evolution of the services, CHAP are looking to expand the service provided to cover additional vulnerable groups such as Sex Workers, the Homeless and the Traveller Community who are some of the most vulnerable groups of people in Cardiff and Vale. The new service will be re-branded as the Cardiff and Vale Health Inclusion Service (CAVHIS).
Lynne Topham, the Locality Manager at CHAP, submitted a bid to support them with the re-brand by providing staff with new lanyards, name badges, polo shirts for front of house admin staff, and hoodies for staff who have to travel to support vulnerable groups. The bid would also support the printing and distribution of promotional material to key sites like Sex Parlours and the Housing Options Centre for the Homeless, in order to spread awareness of the new service.
In the application, Lynne said: “The development of CAVHIS means that more people who find access to traditional healthcare very difficult, and have the highest level of healthcare needs, will have rapid access to public health screening and access to essential healthcare.”
“Through the provision of new identification clothing, lanyards and hoodies, staff morale will be further boosted as it will engender a spirit of ‘togetherness and pride’ in the service that they will be delivering going forward.”
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel were happy to approve this bid as it assists with the expansion of services to support some of the most marginalised groups in the Cardiff and Vale area. The updated staff clothing will also boost staff morale and reinforce team spirit.
Gardening Equipment for St David’s Hospital Patients and Staff
There are two accessible courtyard gardens at St David’s Hospital site, which are currently in need of some additional maintenance. The St David’s Hospital staff would like to get involved with improving the outside space, and plan to involve patients in the gardening activities in the warmer months, as part of their wellbeing activities schedule which is being developed by the St David’s Hospital Wellbeing Champions.
Ruth Cann, the Senior Nurse of Integrated Medicine at St David’s Hospital, submitted a bid to purchase basic gardening equipment which includes watering cans, plant pots, compost, and a section of herbs and bedding plants.
Ruth said: “Gardening is well known to be an activity that reduces stress. It is a wellbeing activity that has universal appeal to all ages and genders, and suits both introverted and extroverted personalities.”
“Some basic gardening will encourage team cohesion between all disciplines. It will give the multi-disciplinary teams a shared purpose not only directly associated with patient care.”
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel was happy to approve the bid as it promotes the positive impact gardening has on patient wellbeing and staff team building.
Why YOU should support the Staff Lottery!
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel endeavours to work towards all seven wellbeing goals set out by the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act whilst utilising the five ways of working; long term, prevention, integration, collaboration and involvement.
By joining the Staff Lottery, you are actively supporting a wide range of projects funded by the Bids Panel which enhance countless services across the UHB. Through this funding, you are helping the Bids Panel and Health Charity make things better for both our staff and patients, helping us all work together to create a more Prosperous, Healthier and Resilient Wales.
If you would like to join the Staff Lottery, application forms can be completed electronically or via our website; Please return completed Staff Lottery forms to If you would like to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, please contact the above address for details.
Cardiff & Vale Health Charity encourages you to join the Staff Lottery and apply for funding, which can enhance your department or service and inform others of the benefits of joining the Staff Lottery. And who knows, maybe you will be our next winner?