During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Palliative Care Department requested six fold away z-beds through Cardiff & Vale Health Charity with funding from NHS Charities Together.

Previously, families who were able to, would often sleep in a chair at the bedside of their relative. The z-beds allow family members to rest more comfortably at what can be a physically and emotionally draining time.
The new beds were distributed between University Hospital of Wales, University Hospital Llandough and St. David’s Hospital. The z-beds provided will make a long lasting impact in the Palliative Care Department and staff have commented on the positive impact the beds have had to the end of life care experience in the hospital setting.
If you would like to make a contribution to Cardiff & Vale Health Charity or commission an artwork for one of our hospital sites in memory of a loved one please visit: https://healthcharity.wales/how-you-can-help/gift-in-memory-celebration