The Staff Lottery Bids Panel recently approved a bid to brighten up the space of Ynys Saff at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) at Cardiff Royal Infirmary in an aim to create a safe and nurturing environment for those who come to use the Sexual Assault Service.
Ynys Saff provides a service for individuals impacted by sexual assault. Following regional SARC developments, Ynys Saff is already the Paediatric Hub for clients under the age of 14, and will soon be the hub for South East Wales for over-14s who have experienced acute sexual assault.
This important service provides access to a forensic medical examination, as well as providing Police interviews outside a Police station environment. The Independent Sexual Violence Advocates (ISVA) support clients moving through the criminal justice process, and counselling is also available to help clients move forward from their trauma in the best possible ways.
Dr Catrin Simpson, the Clinical Lead at Ynys Saff, said: “Our project will make a difference to all those who have experienced a sexual assault, particularly those who require an acute forensic medical examination. We are a service for all, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or ethnicity.”
“A more appealing calm space will also have a positive impact on the well being of staff who are working daily with traumatised clients.”

Following building work at the department to meet forensic standards required to complete medical examinations, the department was looking very clinical and uninviting. By installing the artwork depicting nature scenes in key waiting areas, the department has now been transformed into a safe and inviting space for individuals waiting for their appointments and examinations.
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel were delighted to fund the project, because it supports the important work being carried out by SARC who assist and care for extremely vulnerable individuals who come to use their service. The Bids Panel hope the artwork brings solace and tranquillity to those who need it most.
Why YOU should join the Staff Lottery:
The Staff Lottery Bids Panel endeavours to work towards all seven wellbeing goals set out by the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act whilst utilising the five ways of working; long term, prevention, integration, collaboration and involvement.
By joining the Staff Lottery, you are actively supporting a wide range of projects funded by the Bids Panel which enhance countless services across the UHB. Through this funding, you are helping the Bids Panel and Health Charity make things better for both our staff and patients, helping us all work together to create a more Prosperous, Healthier and Resilient Wales.

If you would like to join the Staff Lottery for a chance to win £1,000 each week, application forms can be completed electronically or via our website; https://healthcharity.wales/hospital-staff/staff-lottery/. Please return completed Staff Lottery forms to fundraising.cav@wales.nhs.uk.
If you would like to apply for funding from the Staff Lottery Bids Panel, please contact the above email address for details. Cardiff & Vale Health Charity encourages you to join the Staff Lottery and apply for funding, which can enhance your department or service and inform others of the benefits of joining the Staff Lottery. And who knows, maybe you will be our next winner?